Morning Workshop: Demystifying Intellectual Disability (ID) Eligibility Criteria
Intellectual Disability (ID) is often the least desired category for special education eligibility. Many parents report preferring a diagnosis of Autism over ID. Despite its importance, ID is described with only one sentence in CCR 3030(b)(6). This workshop will explore how to determine eligibility for ID, focusing on best practices and the criteria used when definitions are vague. We will discuss how to make meaningful recommendations when a student cannot perform on a standardized intelligence test and how to present a convincing case to skeptical parents. These questions and more will be addressed in the workshop.
Afternoon Workshop: PSW and Discrepancy Models - Theory to Practical Application - Intermediate and Advanced Concepts To Consider For the school psychologist who wants to take a deeper dive into looking at PSW’s CHC theory that is used by popular tools like XBASS. We will discuss why significant subtest score differences occur within the same processing area and how to talk about it without having to pull out another subtest that might cloud the issue further. This workshop will help make clearer the actual statistics that underpin these theoretical constructs. It will go into the mysteries of the 8 processing areas of CCR 3030(b)(10) and how they came to be defined in the way they are (yes, there are actual definitions of what Cognitive Conceptualization, Association, and Expression are) and where might Executive Functioning fit into this. We will go through some case studies and there will be ample time for questions and answers.
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