Choose your workshop from the options before check-out.
Morning Workshop: All About Removals, Manifestation Determinations, and IAESs (8:30am-11:30am)
The 2023-2024 school year saw a significant increase in expedited due process cases, which involve issues related to manifestation determinations and IAESs. This session will work through those cases as well as review and discuss the rules and nuances related to removals, manifestations, and IAESs. We will walk through the manifestation determination process step-by-step and talk about how to review relevant information and respond to the manifestation determination questions. We will also touch on the need for alternatives to suspension, multi-tiered systems of support/response to intervention, and other issues related to the discipline and removal of special education students.
Afternoon Workshop: What Does it Mean to “Need” Special Education in Determining Eligibility (12:30pm-3:30pm)
Just because a student is referred for an initial special education evaluation, it does not mean that the child is eligible for an IEP. Eligibility is a multi-step process that includes meeting the eligibility criteria for a category of disability, needing special education, and ensuring these are not due to a limiting factor. This session will review the eligibility process and will focus on what it means to need special education. We will take a deep dive into the law and caselaw that address this component of determining eligibility. An eligibility checklist will be provided for a reference as you assess students and discuss with your districts how eligibility determinations are made.
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